Monday, March 9, 2009

I have been trying my hand at photography for many years now. Now I have a flickr account so be sure to stop by and check out some of my favorite photos.
I will be adding more as the time goes on. Thanks for visiting,

Ok... So I had listed several things on etsy and about an hour later I was contacted by the editor in chief of the online publication...
this is a darling online magazine that is read by people all over the globe. Imagine how flattered I was when she asked me if she could feature on of my Etsy items on her site.

How wonderful to be recognized.
I am still exploring the site. I encourage you to do the same... and be sure to check out my daily feature there....
It is a wonderful vintage irish pin. Luck O' the Irish to you!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Glad you stopped by. I have been neglecting this blog for a while. I have been busy listing on Etsy. If you have not shopped you will have to Check it out.
I have several "shops" on the site. It is a great way to sell vintage items... original Art.

I have been painting small, miniature paintings of favorite photos and have had some success selling on the site. My minis and called ACEOs that stands for Art Cards Originals, Editions. Another name for them are ATC's or Artist Trading Cards. They have been gaining popularity of late. thanks in part to the artist on Etsy.

Please visit my Sites
... there you will find vintage items...20 years old or older.
Have fun, buy handmade... and be sure to check out all of the other shops on etsy.